Major Gifts and Philanthropy

Are you a philanthropist looking to create social impact and invest in the future of autistic young people?

A major gift is a substantial financial commitment made by an individual, trust or foundation. Your gift will contribute to significant change in the lives of young people living with ASD by supporting them to build self-confidence and communication skills, develop social skills, create positive connections and increase social interactions with peers, carers and other families. Young people will build their capacity to function independently. Your gift could be a catalyst for change – change that will improve the lives of autistic people today and benefit the lives of generations to come.

The Stats

> The prevalence rate is estimated to be 1 in 70 people in Australia on the autism spectrum. The prevalence of ASD is reportedly growing at a faster rate than any other disability.
> In 2014–15 around 43,500 people with autism accessed disability support services under the National Disability Agreement (NDA).
> In 2014-15 83% of Australians with autism were aged under 25.
> Under the NDIS, autism and related disorders is the second most common primary disability across all sites (28%). Most scheme participants at the end of 2016 were children aged 14 years and under (around 43,000 or 44% of participants)
> An estimated 164,000 Australians had autism in 2015. The number of people with autism in Australia has increased considerably in recent years, up from an estimated 64,400 people in 2009.
> Autism was the most common primary disability for children aged 0-14 (29%) for services delivered under the National Disability Agreement (NDA) in 2013-14.

There is a broad and growing Australia-wide need for accessible and supported respite-break experiences, therapies and life skills development for young people with ASD (and their families).

Activities at Autism Camp Australia (ACA) programs are aligned with an individual’s capacity-building outcomes and their personal goals and aspirations. Our camp programs combine group therapy sessions with adventure and art/craft filled activities.  All activities are capacity-building, encourage communication, teamwork, self-confidence, self-care, peer-to-peer relationship building and emotional regulation. The long term benefits are manyfold, ranging from improved mental health to long-term employability.

Become a Major Donor 

Our dedicated team will work with you to ensure that your gift is achieving impact in the area that you are passionate about.

Talk to us to learn more about the difference you can make. We will consult with you on how your gift can help our reach, development and social impact.


Contact us to discuss becoming a Major Donor today, alternatively if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Autism Camp Australia please contact us on 02 6684 9304 or click on the donate button. Thank you.